Free Valentine’s Day Maze Cards Printable Activity

In a time crunch and need a fun activity for Valentine’s Day? Fear not! Our free printable Valentine’s Day mazes are the perfect quick and playful solution with a twist. These maze Valentine cards are a great way to spread love and make a great last-minute addition to a bag of treats!

Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a dark background with red hearts.

This maze Valentine’s card combines the joy of problem-solving with the sweetness of heartfelt messages, making it an ideal choice for anyone seeking fun Valentine’s Day crafts.

Best of all, our maze cards are available as free printables, so you can spread the love without breaking the bank. Let’s talk about more fun ways to use these free printable Valentine’s Day mazes as printable Valentine cards that will make it a fun holiday to remember!

Gather Your Supplies

Many of these supplies are available at your Dollar Store or local office supply store.

  • Printer
  • Regular Printer Paper or for best results use White Cardstock
  • Paper Cutter: Scissors or Paper Guillotine
  • Ribbon or String (Optional)
Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background with feathers and flower petals.

Download and Print

These adorable little mazes are the perfect size for an addition to a treat bag either inside or as a cute Valentine’s card hanging on the outside. Download and print, then look at the bottom of this post for more ideas on how to use these cool Valentine mazes.

Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background.
Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background.

This PDF file is simple to download, enter your email address to subscribe and hit the download now button. The file will open in your browser or with a PDF Reader like Adobe.

Jessie Willcox Smith “Heidi”

Valentine’s Day Maze Cards

This printable is for personal use only. However, feel free to share this post with friends and family so they can have these adorable printable cards, too! The download will come with all 20 different maze cards. This PDF file prints on a US Letter Size 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper.

These free printables are a part of our exclusive subscriber library and are for personal use only. They are the exclusive property of Once Upon A Printable and may not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes without our written consent. Thank you for respecting our copyright.

How to Use Valentine’s Day Maze Cards

As a mom, any creative ways I can find to sneak some problem-solving skills into gifts is a win. It’s the perfect alternative if you’re looking for non-candy Valentine’s Day options, as well.

Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background with candy and glitter.

Classroom Surprises

Print out several copies on white cardstock for a classroom activity. Distribute these maze valentines among your child’s classmates for a fun and interactive celebration.

Last-Minute Party Activity

Hosting a last-minute Valentine’s Day party? Print and cut out a few or all of the maze Valentine cards for an engaging and entertaining activity that suits any age group.

Homemade Decor

Attach the maze valentines to a string and create a cute, love-themed garland for a quick and charming homemade decor idea.

Gift Toppers

Use them as unique gift toppers for presents. Simply attach a maze valentine to a gift using washi tape for an extra special touch.

Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background.

Valentine’s Day Crafting

Engage younger students in a crafting session by incorporating these maze valentines into a variety of fun Valentine’s Day crafts. Let their creativity shine!

Unique Love Letter

It’s a fun way to show someone how you feel. Write a heartfelt message like “I think you’re Amazeing Valentine” on the back for your special Valentine.

Classroom Party Favors

Attach a small toy maze or candy for an extra surprise. There are different levels of difficulty, whether you need an easy maze or a harder maze for older children. You could also make it an activity for any early finishers

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Jessie Willcox Smith "Heidi" illustrated Valentine's Day maze cards on a pink background with candy and glitter.

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